Cole Neder
Master’s in Public Administration – DePaul University | Senior Transit Planner (DRCOG)
Cole Neder is a municipal planning professional with expertise in project management, community engagement, and plan implementation initiatives. His career journey began as a Community Development Intern with the City of Highland Park from 2019 to 2021. During this period, he also completed his Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Metropolitan Development at DePaul University.
Starting in 2021, Cole served as an LTA Planner with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), providing technical assistance to communities in Northeastern Illinois. His commitment to making municipal government more efficient and equitable led him to his current role as Senior Transit Planner with the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG).
Cole has focused on plan implementation from a regional level, working on projects for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), local Unified Development Ordinances (UDOs), and other capital improvement and management projects. His experiences at both CMAP and DRCOG, working with diverse local governments and transit agencies, have equipped him with unique insights into regional and local planning activities.
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